During my senior year I had to do a senior project. My senior project was about how the power develops in the lower members of the human body in females and males from 4 to 18 years old. Although our project was a success and was named as the best project with a 4.0 grade and was given the SUMMA CUM LAUDE(Greatest award to the best project) we had some problems during the development of it.
One of those problems were the good collection of data but the wrong management of it. Although we got to solve it, not by the Toulmin model, but by research and external help, this type of model would had help a lot in finding the problem and answering the W questions to find out the correct solution. Maybe by knowing it before, our solution of the problem could had been solved easier and in consequence faster.
As to prove this, I have solved the same problem by the Toulmin Model, as a result is an easier way to find what was it going wrong and what should be done for it improvement in a short way manner.

The problem we were facing was the wrong data usage in the mechanical formula of kinematics for Xf= X0 + vt + 1/2at^2, and due to this when we tried to use the data from the last formula into the power formula, P = W/t = Fv, the obtained power was not as expected from research done before. Due to this our project wouldn't been credible as the data wouldn't have match with previous researches. We seek in our process and found that we were using the wrong starting height and the wrong end height into the formula, and that was what made the power so diverse. Although we spend less than a day figuring this problem out with help from our project tutor, based on the Tuolmin model, it could have been a easier and good way to make our problem solved in an easier and faster way (As it is shown in the diagram above).
This is Bo!
ResponderEliminarGreat! That is the perfect example on how to execute the Toulmin model on an engineer problem!
Good application on a technical problem. I can roughly understand your thought process through this simple diagram!