Communication is a vital skill in everyones daily life, and it is also really important in engineers life, as it was also picked as one of the missing basics for engineers. Communication is not only an activity of everyday life but it is also a way of opening doors, of making yourself more understandable, on expressing your ideas clearly, but one of the most important, and also learned in Eng 198, it improves our own network. When I mean by opening doors, I refer to having more opportunities, not only work opportunities, but education opportunities and opportunities for life. Knowing how to communicate, can give a better impression to your maybe future boss, having good communication skills can give you a job, between much more things. By having a good communication skill you can also meet knew people, get to have really good friends, or once again you can meet people that can give you a future work opportunity, all this people can also be part of a future networking group. Having a good communication skill is also an opportunity for making you understand, is a way that you can express your ideas in a clear way, in conclusion is way to opening to society and being part to the world.
Communication is also part of the globalization process, and what involves in globalization? Networking, a part of communication, exchange of ideas and cultures, another part of communication (a branch of if that involve knowing languages, knowing other cultures, and all this can be possible by communication, not only by a verbal form of it, but also other forms have arise, like sign language or also communication for blind people. Problems in people haven't been an obstacle to communication, because this is a skill that rules everyones life), technology, which is a big piece of engineers, and also the ability to make the big world a concentrated spot in finding all things easier with the help of communication.